About Me

Information Technology
Information Technology Enthusiast, always learning new technology and improving my knowledge.
Never miss a chance to learn something new.
Career Goal : Professional Penetration Tester.

Have been into sports since 2010,
Karate Brown Belt
Martial Artist (Tai Chi, Aikido)
Hiking & Trekking
Power Lifting(Gym)

Loves my paradise island, Mauritius and its beautiful Nature.
Always in for Exploration.

IT - Journey

TryHackMe - Complete Beginner Learning Path.

March 2021 - Cyber Security Course on Udemy.

Jan 2021 - Docker and Kubernetes From Bret Fisher the Docker Captain. Udemy

November 2019 - March 2020 - Full-Time Internship at OceanDBA as Junior System Software Engineer.

16 September 2020 - 01 October 2020 - Full-Time Internship at OceanDBA as Junior System and Database Engineer.

August 2020 - Completed Python Bootcamp on Udemy. Certificate Link.

August 2018 - Completed my CompTIA N+ certification.
I didn't go for the exam because I had in mind to do the CCNP certification that's much more valued.

November 2017 - Introduction to IOT Driven Home and Industrial Automation using the Raspberry PI. Workshop by the Skyfi Labs

Github Projects and Contributions

Honey Bot - PYMUG

My first contribution and project while learning python. Being in the MSCC (Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community) when I got to know about their PYMUG(Python Mauritius UserGroup) branch and they asked me to try make a simple plugin for their IRC bot project that was mostly for beginners I was really happy to be able to finally put my skills in use.
Having a background of System Administrator I decided to build a plugin that would return various information on the server running the IRC bot.

Check it out

Port Scanner

Having used Nmap which is one of the most popular Security Scanner, Port Scanner, & Network Exploration Tool.

We had a problem while scanning all 65,535 ports where nmap would take more than an hour to complete.

This is why i proposed a simple CLI Port Scanner in which I implemented Multi-Threading which helped scan for open ports in less that 10 seconds.

Check it out

Email-Automation With Python

This project was initially done to help my teacher who was working for Polytechnics Mauritius.

We had a situation where 300 students submitted their assignment that was corrected by our teacher, after that he had to send 1 by 1 each student mark by email to inform them their result.

He was saving all the data in an excel sheet, so i proposed a small script that would read from an excel file and build custom messages that would then be sent to the each students individually.

The Script went great but then the teacher proposed that maybe we should make a GUI version so that the NON-IT literate could also use it. This was then the v2 of my Email-automation Program.

We now have it Open Source for anyone with such situation.

Check it out

Centralized Log Management System With realtime Port Scanner

Work In progress, Testing...